Waterside Chiropractic meets Ross Emmett, Founder of Emmett Technique – Equine Chiropractic meets Equine Emmett!

In January 2013, Jackie Leftwich of Waterside Chiropractic attended a one day (human) course called the EmmTech Short Course at the Norton Park Hotel in Sutton Scotney, near Winchester.  Although having heard several good reviews about the Emmett Technique prior to attending the course, it was still an absolute delight to take part in learning a few muscle releases that gently treat core human musculoskeletal problems.  The technique is novel in that it does not require the traditional more forceful approaches to the release of hypertonic musculature.  On returning to practice in Chichester, Jackie tried out a number of the releases on human patients, with the foot balance correction in particular attracting a significant “Wow” factor.  The unique approach and results were so impressive that on becoming aware that the technique was initially developed on our four-legged friends, the hunt was on for dates for an Emmett4Animals course.

Mid-April saw Jackie of Waterside Chiropractic heading north for Swindon to undertake Module 1 of the Emmett4Animals Horse Course.  The Emmett Technique is now a global technique, developed by Ross Emmett who lives and works in Australia.  The technique aims to provide a release for muscles that may be inhibiting the body from functioning at its optimum; therefore, the philosophy behind this technique is closely aligned with the aims of McTimoney Chiropractic and complements the philosophy of McTimoney.

The added and most unexpected bonus was that Ross Emmett himself happened to be in the UK and we were lucky enough to have Ross present for the whole of the two day course [picture of Ross (L) and Andy (R)].  Along with the Course Leader Andy Eckley (Emmett4Animals Instructor – Europe), we set about learning some Emmett corrections for restrictions for areas such as the brachiocephalic, hamstrings, trapezius and lumbar region.  The horses at Newlands Farm in Blunsdon and their owners were very patient with us and by the afternoon of the first day, there were some very relaxed, chilled out horses standing around.

Emmett Technique is known as “the Chameleon Approach to the Body” – this is because it is tailored and adapts to the needs of the person or animal that is in receipt of treatment.  Each correction influences a muscle or group of muscles and the Emmett points are unique to Emmett.  Since the course, where appropriate I have been adding a few of the Emmett corrections into equine and canine chiropractic treatments and have been pleased with the response shown by the animals.